Greenwashing is a serious concern for our industry, and the last thing we want to do is make vague, unsubstantiated claims about our ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ practices, without, in laymen’s terms, practicing what we preach.
So, we’re taking actionable steps towards operating more sustainably, and – with the help of our external sustainability consultant, Mel Ellis at PIQ Ltd – cleaning up our act as far as we possibly can.
Here’s a quick rundown of some of the measures we have put in place so far to improve our green credentials.
We’re ahead of the curve when it comes to using cleaning products that help us maintain exceptional hygiene standards without causing unnecessary damage to our environment.
With help from our health and safety consultants at Botson Daniels, we have selected a range of cleaning substances that have been carefully chosen not only for their effectiveness, but to ensure the health and safety of our staff. We have used our non-toxic products for many years and all our operatives have received COSHH training. We have also been certified to ISO 14001, which means our environmental management systems are externally audited for compliance.
Recycling our waste as a matter of course
We have a long-established partnership with a local waste disposal company. This provider collects our waste for recycling on a weekly basis and repurposes our parts and packaging where possible.
Reducing fuel consumption and emissions
In a bid to save fuel, we manage our teams to ensure they use their time wisely, and their journeys are efficient. Additionally, our vans are fitted with speed governors to ensure they do not speed and they use fuel efficiently. We are planning to invest in electric vehicles in the near future.
Creating a more sustainable working environment
We’ve made a series of improvements to our HQ to deliver a more comfortable space for our staff and lower our carbon footprint.
Our work in all these areas will help to create a greener environment for our staff and reassure our customers that we’re committed to making sustainable changes in the long term. But, as Mel Ellis explains, there’s more to be done:
“We are working closely with TWO’s bank, NatWest, to calculate and monitor TWO’s carbon footprint. Its “Carbon Planner” forms the basis of our calculations in the following areas: business travel, business vehicles, employee commuting, fuel and electricity, materials, waste, water, and refrigerant gas.
“Each of these will require us to introduce detailed measures, some of which we already have [in place], but others we are introducing. Our plan is to use 2024 to collate and measure our activity in the key areas and thereby provide ourselves with a “benchmark” from which we can then monitor our activities more closely.
“It’s not about being perfect. It’s about being cognisant of what we can do, and how much of an impact these measures will have to reduce the impact we make on the environment.”
Green initiatives aside, making sure we are running our business fairly, ethically, and in line with best practices is extremely important to us.
Like any reputable company, we consider ourselves to be an inclusive employer, but we have implemented a corporate equality and diversity policy to outline our approach in more detail. We do comply with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 in its entirety, and we work with our suppliers and potential suppliers to identify and manage areas of risk in our purchases.
Operating sustainably is vital – but so is giving back to the people and communities around us. On our website’s News section, you’ll find plenty of insight into our sponsorship arrangements, pro bono work, and charitable donations. Our efforts range from carrying out free cleans and maintenance checks for local charities to sponsoring fundraising events, gifting appliances to facilities in need, and providing investment for groups such as the Essex Wildlife Trust.
We will be publishing more information on our approach to sustainability and our ongoing CSR activities soon. Keep an eye out on our website and LinkedIn channel for the latest news and announcements.